Saturday, 31 March 2007
Friday, 30 March 2007
Today after school.Ming Xuan sing song!!wahaha!!she gonna join the next campus superster!!kekeke~i took video leh.but then cannot let u all see...if not...she will cry!![[ming xuan...don't cry wor!!]]kekekeke!!kkkk.jkjk.Then today band super boring..keep on blowing same things!!i want to faster go join the main band!!argh!!!
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Today go science centre.then later went to JEC.

me.ming xuan.zhi yin's fingers!!kekeke.


ming xuan n me

ming xuan.zhi yin.hahaha!

me n ming xuan!!

ming xuan helping zhi yin.zu ren wei kuai le zhi ben!!hehehe...

guess whose fingers???kekeke!

zhi yin n ming xuan!!

me!!not my specs wor...haha
me.ming xuan.zhi yin's fingers!!kekeke.
ming xuan n me
me n ming xuan!!
ming xuan helping zhi yin.zu ren wei kuai le zhi ben!!hehehe...
guess whose fingers???kekeke!
zhi yin n ming xuan!!
me!!not my specs wor...haha
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Harlow!! something happened again.anywaex,just wanna say,people whom i can't get along with,or i feel that i'm uncomfortable being with them.i'll keep away from them to avoid misunderstandings.but i seem to make things worst.anyway,i'm not ganna give a damn.i don't care who or what other people say,i'm happy now.i just wanna be happy,and of course,i will give a thought for others too.nvm..say all this u all oso dun sick and tired of this.lame...=.=x.x
Monday, 19 March 2007
i realised that!!blog too wordy not nice to see de!!so put in pictures bi jiao hao kan!!hehehehe!!

big tortoise is wu wu!small tortoise is gui gui!!hehehe!!This wan is zhi yin,ming xuan and shi qi song de!!hehexx
Tomorrow gonna go stage say quote of the day!!sianxx.hehe.yeah!!tomorrow go tband!!hehehe~~~band rawks!!
big tortoise is wu wu!small tortoise is gui gui!!hehehe!!This wan is zhi yin,ming xuan and shi qi song de!!hehexx
Tomorrow gonna go stage say quote of the day!!sianxx.hehe.yeah!!tomorrow go tband!!hehehe~~~band rawks!!
Saturday, 17 March 2007
soo many homework lor!!I suan pro le!!hehe.jkjk.i finished most of my homework in 2 left,science ws.english ws.jian bao and the rushing through loh!!holidays gonna be over le.somehow feel happy,somehow also feel quite sianxx.happy coz can get to see all my friends again!!sianxx is because i alot of homework.the questions leave blank.sianxx.and HCL is really very difficult.i don't want take HCL!!lol.jkjk.but i don't think i'm smart enough to take HCL.surely his june i will go down to take normal chinese.maybe...=(That shows that my chinese isn't that good my room very messy.Gonna do room cleaning tomorrow.if don't have clean environment,how to study ne??lol.I didn't practise my trumpet today.sianxx.coz rushing through homework.haha.sec 4s the band members gonna graduate this year le.sadx sadx.didn't even interact with them.then when they step down,then i go main band.sianxx.they surely very fun de.=[anywaexx.i'm gonna think on the positive side.haha.^^
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Didn't post yesterday,coz tooo tired to post le.Yester in the morning,woke up quite early,coz need to go for band suuper boring de lor! and nicholas down there complaining,coz it's really damn boring.haha.Then after that in the afternoon,went to bvps again,go band,haha.[=Then mdm rahayu found out i play the trumpet...then she was like"your mouth so big!can play trumpet ar!"walao!!lol.of course la!please lor.I can pitch high notes de!!!Don't look down on me ar!one day i pitch high high doh give her hear ar!LOL.i'll proof to everyone that i can do it!hmp!^^Then after that went to coffeeshop zuhairi and de ying.then after that went to walk to bus-stop.haha.then we saw the drain got water wor!!=.=haha.then de ying do put her leg inside the water.



we drink finish le!haha.
Then today had maths extra lesson.Then gabriel ask me if wan go BP.SS there...then i say ok lo..must go settle chalet things ma.he everytime last minute tell me de lor!!sianxx...Then took taxi back.told him i don't want,then he insist.then in the taxi he say he pay.then when he get down the i pay lor!i dun care ar!i monday go GET from him ar!!my $5.70!~!lol.Then i stopped at dunno where la.then i find that place familiar.then i found my way through sihan house,so went up to her^^go there play!lol.

Sihan and her after that i play her er hao wan.haha.i make alot of noise.LOL.^^Then calculated the cost at her house le.
I think the chalet things,the cost won't be cheap wor!so must be prepared.
we drink finish le!haha.
Then today had maths extra lesson.Then gabriel ask me if wan go BP.SS there...then i say ok lo..must go settle chalet things ma.he everytime last minute tell me de lor!!sianxx...Then took taxi back.told him i don't want,then he insist.then in the taxi he say he pay.then when he get down the i pay lor!i dun care ar!i monday go GET from him ar!!my $5.70!~!lol.Then i stopped at dunno where la.then i find that place familiar.then i found my way through sihan house,so went up to her^^go there play!lol.
Sihan and her after that i play her er hao wan.haha.i make alot of noise.LOL.^^Then calculated the cost at her house le.
I think the chalet things,the cost won't be cheap wor!so must be prepared.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Yesterday didn't post,coz no time.went to bukit view yesterday after science lesson,took some picures.haha[=

Me and de ying

Me and Pebbles
Background nice ma??lol.the drawings are done by bvps ba!haha.[=
Everytime very fun de lor.In bvps.[=coz can crazy!lol.
Then today...Had band practice,everytime band practice is chao boring de.coz we go through basics de.chao boring lor!but,nvm[=[=This is my instrument==>

mei ma??hehex.very mei right??okok.i very lamexx.haha.Then today after band,rained heavily,i was drenched from head to toe.really very very wet.Then when i get on bus, i chao was shivering at first^^really very cold.Holiday got alot hw leh.I haven't even started yet,dunno when wanna start.yeah!tomorrow i going for band workshop in the morning,then afternoon going bvps again^^
Me and de ying
Me and Pebbles
Background nice ma??lol.the drawings are done by bvps ba!haha.[=
Everytime very fun de lor.In bvps.[=coz can crazy!lol.
Then today...Had band practice,everytime band practice is chao boring de.coz we go through basics de.chao boring lor!but,nvm[=[=This is my instrument==>
mei ma??hehex.very mei right??okok.i very lamexx.haha.Then today after band,rained heavily,i was drenched from head to toe.really very very wet.Then when i get on bus, i chao was shivering at first^^really very cold.Holiday got alot hw leh.I haven't even started yet,dunno when wanna start.yeah!tomorrow i going for band workshop in the morning,then afternoon going bvps again^^
Sunday, 11 March 2007
I'm not in a very good mood today lor.I very angry.and very unhappy.all because of him.My life was perfect,i have good friends,i have a good family,i'm healthy,i'm happy with everything i had!but i hate him to the core!I don't know why almost everyone side with him.everyone blames me.I WON'T HATE HIM SO MUCH IF THERE WAS NO REASON FOR ME TO.everyone is siding with him.if this goes on,the cheerful jasmin would completely change into an angry and rude jasmin.He affects me greatly.i don't know why,but i know i'm not at fault.He hurt me too much,that's why i hate him.I treated him like he was my best friend before,but what he returned me was coldness and treat me as if i'm a total stranger.not only that.he hurt me too much.I can't list all out.because i long forgotten them.but although i forgotten them,i would always remember,he hurt me before,and very very deeply.i try to hide my feelings by being a cheerful person,but i failed.My heart is filled with hatred now.I don't have any idea how to fill my heart with love.I HATE HIM.
Friday, 9 March 2007
Today got lots of things to say wor!During art lesson,forgot abit le.Then shi min started saying funny things to me!I very scared leh!I freaked out lor!Then i keep on hiding behind zhi yin,wahaha!then always scare until zhi yin.then during and zhi yin go back class.then saw shi min.then shi min started talking and talking,and as usual i was freaked out,and as usual again,i sticking to zhi keep on running around.coz shi min chasing muah!lol.then she was like joking joking attempting to kiss me lor!then i keep on pulling zhi yin!i made her fall just now!chao hao xiao!lol.then shi min mouth was like so close to me.then i very scared lor!then that vanessa ar!she push my head!then...zhong lo!my cheeks touched shi min lips lor.sianx!luckily not lips to lips wor!Last time in primary school,my friends also tried to kiss me on my cheeks,but i wouldn't let them,coz i would feel uncomfortable.but shi min kissed dao liao!lol!she's the first person to kiss me wor![excluding my parents la.and that idiot younger sis of]she's the first leh!i will remember her forever de!LOL.then after she kiss dao wo.she keep the class was like talikng about kisses liao.everybody all started to siao diao liao.shi min also tried to kiss zhi yin!on the lips eh!then zhi yin fan yin chi dun de lor!lol.luckily never kiss dao la.then zhi yin was like,no kissing on my lips!! was fun la,my crazy personality as
today ming xuan never come,her leg lor!she fall down.hao ke lian!hahax.GET WELL SOON BA![if ming xuan reading this.wahaha.]MING XUAN!YAO JIA YOU WOR!!lol.
got band today!yeah!waited there for so long lor.reached there about 1.00pm+.then waited for dunno who to assign me an instrument.then priscilla was complaining to me about the band i waited until 2+ to get my instrument.when the band major came la.he tookme to the conductor.i keep on cui-ing him to gimme an instrument.coz i can't wait le!have the determination to BLOW!wahaha.then when band major and me go to band room.we waited there AGAIN.coz the conductor talking and talking and talking and talking.[actually wanted to play the flute.but heard from pris,she say the flute out of i will have to wait.but sorry hor,i no patience if it comes to this type of i chose the trumpet.]then when the conductor was talking,the girl,dunno what's her name,she gave a so-called sign to band major.Then i asked him"cannot ar?"as in can i play the trumpet.then he told me that,if the conductor insist that i play the trombone,i must insist that i wanna play the trumpet.then i was like orh!so then...we went up to the conductor when he finished making his speech.then he was like..."Are you the girl who plays the trombone" then i said,"ya...but i don't wanna lay the trombone again,i want to play the trumpet.can i change to the trumpet."then he was like..over there ocnsidering and talking n talking ALOTXX!then i just stood there and "listen".Then he ask my alot of times if i really dun wanna play the trombone!i told him liao!i dun wan!yeah!coz i keep insisting!then...he said"give her a trumpet!"YEAH!!WO HAO BANG!YEAH!so now my instrument is trumpet le!cool right!wahha.then practised lor.then when come home that time,bag is chao heavy lor!is super0duper lor!then must kang the heavy bag come home.very late's entry very long.haha!
today ming xuan never come,her leg lor!she fall down.hao ke lian!hahax.GET WELL SOON BA![if ming xuan reading this.wahaha.]MING XUAN!YAO JIA YOU WOR!!lol.
got band today!yeah!waited there for so long lor.reached there about 1.00pm+.then waited for dunno who to assign me an instrument.then priscilla was complaining to me about the band i waited until 2+ to get my instrument.when the band major came la.he tookme to the conductor.i keep on cui-ing him to gimme an instrument.coz i can't wait le!have the determination to BLOW!wahaha.then when band major and me go to band room.we waited there AGAIN.coz the conductor talking and talking and talking and talking.[actually wanted to play the flute.but heard from pris,she say the flute out of i will have to wait.but sorry hor,i no patience if it comes to this type of i chose the trumpet.]then when the conductor was talking,the girl,dunno what's her name,she gave a so-called sign to band major.Then i asked him"cannot ar?"as in can i play the trumpet.then he told me that,if the conductor insist that i play the trombone,i must insist that i wanna play the trumpet.then i was like orh!so then...we went up to the conductor when he finished making his speech.then he was like..."Are you the girl who plays the trombone" then i said,"ya...but i don't wanna lay the trombone again,i want to play the trumpet.can i change to the trumpet."then he was like..over there ocnsidering and talking n talking ALOTXX!then i just stood there and "listen".Then he ask my alot of times if i really dun wanna play the trombone!i told him liao!i dun wan!yeah!coz i keep insisting!then...he said"give her a trumpet!"YEAH!!WO HAO BANG!YEAH!so now my instrument is trumpet le!cool right!wahha.then practised lor.then when come home that time,bag is chao heavy lor!is super0duper lor!then must kang the heavy bag come home.very late's entry very long.haha!
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Lotz of things happened today wor!lol.dunno if considerd lots la.haha.still busy about the chalet thing.maybe booking changi de.shi min told me changi de is much spacious than aloha de.and i think the price is went to eat lucnh with kah min.i was so hungry until i had gastric was really pain lor.pain until i have no energy to be my usual self.haha.but later went to bubble tea shop.ok had oreo ice-blended.haha.very nice de wor.then after that met hidaya on the bus.then we talked and talked.then me n hidaya went back to bvps band.haha!i was totally crazy lor!i was like shouting and shouting and laughing and when the band was almost dismissed.i was playing with the whiteboard and scribbling words here and when mr chong was talking to the band,they started to make noise.then i was like"mr chong is talking!can you all show some respect by keeping your mouth shut!!"then i was like,act very long never like that le wor!just now did that so shuang!haha!then when the band was dismissed.i was still very noisy,and playing.then mr goh take the masking tape and say"jasmin, you very noisy today."then he scotch tape my very le yi lor!i still go take marker draw on the masking tape then accidently draw my i keeplaughing.laugh until very kong bu.haha.i love to laugh!hehe!haha!hoho!huhu!
yeah!!!i tomorrow going band.but cannot go jec with friends liao=(and i heard that some people say the games that we plan is very childish.i hope that all of you would look from the angle of a child and go to the chalet.if not won't have any fun.I am trying very very hard to make you all happy.but all i get are complains.Please tell me if you don't like it.i will change the plans.
yeah!!!i tomorrow going band.but cannot go jec with friends liao=(and i heard that some people say the games that we plan is very childish.i hope that all of you would look from the angle of a child and go to the chalet.if not won't have any fun.I am trying very very hard to make you all happy.but all i get are complains.Please tell me if you don't like it.i will change the plans.
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Today,[aiya!forgotten what happened today.] tired.So now would be very busy le lor.Must worry about class tests,worry bout' change of CCA,worry bout' the chalet thing...sianxx.SIANX!tomorrow still have calligraphy!zao zhi dao,don't sign up for the class le la!Today after assembly,went to staff room look for miss chiang,me and ming xuan over there wait,wait,wait,look,look,look.sianx!then i ask her if she stay here wait with me sian or not.she say no quite surprise la,cause' most of my other friends will like not happy if they waste their time waiting with me for someone la.then both of us wait until like 1++ to 2 ba.should be anywaexx.But didn't see miss sianx.Stupid muscle sprain la!I don't care liao.I want to quit badminton.If not I wasting time not doing anything.especially when badminton is my CCA.I feel like joining band again!I wanna blow flute!haha^^But it's like if i join band..then i won't have time for my friends.sianxx.i don't want that!!But very sianxx leh,band is still the best!~~!SO BUSY!
Then today went to zhi yin's house,her apartment is big de lor!lol!Then wanted to do geog hw.the article de.but i left my newspapers at mac!suay leh!haixx.then after that went ming xuan house,did my hw lor.the eng ws.quite difficult,only the second activity was simple.then went home.luckily didn't get scolded by parents.haha.coz reached home quite late. x.x
Then today went to zhi yin's house,her apartment is big de lor!lol!Then wanted to do geog hw.the article de.but i left my newspapers at mac!suay leh!haixx.then after that went ming xuan house,did my hw lor.the eng ws.quite difficult,only the second activity was simple.then went home.luckily didn't get scolded by parents.haha.coz reached home quite late. x.x
Monday, 5 March 2007
Yeah!Today finally can go school le!^^K.Just say interesting things...So it's like after recess,I saw the i-weekly magazine in the recycle bin.And the cover page is wu xun and ella...You all should know la.Then someone draw on the book,they drew funny faces on both wu zun and ella'sface.So i picked up the book,and showed to zhi yin,then wee lee saw it and she was like soo angry.haha."relax,it's only a magazine,not the real wu zun and ella."^^I said who is so mean to do that!~!ok...Then after school,I was totally crazy.Me and Ming Xuan was screaming away,talking to each other.I don't know why...I just love to scream^^I know i'm weird.Then we had HCL test.It was quite difficult though...I don't think i'll pass with flying colours.It was really difficult.LOL.The comprehension was ok.but the multiple choice[mei xi wang]lol.^^Then after the test,Vanessa and Kah Min came to my house.And theywere like complaining about my slow internet connection and ugly fonts!DUH!My font is standard de lor.Arial.Nothing wrong with it,and...My internet connection not that pro la!...okok.sorry sorry.haha.Then after that we went to play badminton,LOL.shouldn't have played!Anywaexx,I want to change CCA!I want to join Band!!Band totally rawks!~![for those who doesn't like band,just shut up,don't talk so much and don't critisize it]
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Today is sihan's birthday.Went out with them.wahaha.Yeah!da jie come back from camp le!Got people to irritate and disturb le!!yeah!whahaha.i abit siao today.Today saturday.Can't wait for monday.can't wait for school to "re-open" again.yeah!i love school!but monday got chinese test.sianxxx.haha.very difficult de!zao zhi dao don't take HCL liaooo...=.=but...da jie say got hao chu,haha.anywaexxx.gtg now.buaix!
Friday, 2 March 2007
Tomorrow's sihan's bdae liaoo.Going out with her tomorrow.[=Finally get to meet.It's like once in a blue moon that we get to meet.]=
Just now had art lesson,everytime during art,it's like i dunno what to draw at all,but when i draw something,another thing naturally come into my mind,and so i would draw that.Lucky right?But for Kah Min,she quite unlucky though...She doesn't have the idea of what to draw,and then she will like very sianxxx.Then i will also very sian.coz i dun like seeing my friends sian.wahahaha.
Then went to Jurong Point with zhi yin and ming xuan just there eat eat.Then i went to buy something.Then after that on the bus to ming xuan's house.We met ming xuan and zhi yin's ex-schoolmate.Then i realised that both of them like dun wanna talk to her.I ask them what's her name,then they told me i was like"Halo [forgot her name le]"Then she turn back.Then is like she come and sit with us la...wahaha.I created trouble.Then she asked alot of questions and asked alot.Then i was like,just over there"orh.orh.orh."haha.sianxx.Then went to ming xuan's house.As usual la...Ming xuan become siao siao.haha.^^hehe.Ate lotzz of things in her house.Dunno why leh,see food i just wanna put them in my mouth.^^Then went home.So sianxx.go home.nothing to do.but study study study.or just stare at the computer screen or tv screen.LOL.gotta "pen" off now.buaixx.
Just now had art lesson,everytime during art,it's like i dunno what to draw at all,but when i draw something,another thing naturally come into my mind,and so i would draw that.Lucky right?But for Kah Min,she quite unlucky though...She doesn't have the idea of what to draw,and then she will like very sianxxx.Then i will also very sian.coz i dun like seeing my friends sian.wahahaha.
Then went to Jurong Point with zhi yin and ming xuan just there eat eat.Then i went to buy something.Then after that on the bus to ming xuan's house.We met ming xuan and zhi yin's ex-schoolmate.Then i realised that both of them like dun wanna talk to her.I ask them what's her name,then they told me i was like"Halo [forgot her name le]"Then she turn back.Then is like she come and sit with us la...wahaha.I created trouble.Then she asked alot of questions and asked alot.Then i was like,just over there"orh.orh.orh."haha.sianxx.Then went to ming xuan's house.As usual la...Ming xuan become siao siao.haha.^^hehe.Ate lotzz of things in her house.Dunno why leh,see food i just wanna put them in my mouth.^^Then went home.So sianxx.go home.nothing to do.but study study study.or just stare at the computer screen or tv screen.LOL.gotta "pen" off now.buaixx.
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Today shi min asked me an "ahem" question.Then it's like...omg!she this type of thing also dare to ask leh!lol.kk.nvm.then had house sianxxx lor.Waited in the hall...then it's like when we were waiting in the hall.I beat zhi yin's knee!I thought her skirt was covering her knee.arghx!i was so careless lorr..hope she will yuan liang wo!Haiz!I too rough le.=.=stupid me.just have a feeling she won't "forgive" me!but she not so petty de!wahahaha=.=
anywaexxx.Sihan's birthday is on Saturday,don't know what should i get for her.]= sianx sianx sianx!haven't met my primary school friends for like sooo long le.They all also never call me up and meet up.I think they forgotten me le!!jkjk.they should be enjoying themselves in their new school ba[=WHile..I am![=HYSS1e1Rox
anywaexxx.Sihan's birthday is on Saturday,don't know what should i get for her.]= sianx sianx sianx!haven't met my primary school friends for like sooo long le.They all also never call me up and meet up.I think they forgotten me le!!jkjk.they should be enjoying themselves in their new school ba[=WHile..I am![=HYSS1e1Rox
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