Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Jasmin, your true color is Yellow!
You're yellow, the color of joy and energy — two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person — you!
In life you can make your own decisions or let other people make those decisions for you. Being Above The Influence is about staying true to yourself, and not letting people pressure you into being less than you. So be yourself. Or be something less. It's your call.

Jasmin, you should pick your Zen Friend
You know who we're talking about — the person who always has their head on straight, who can sound reasonable even in the most unreasonable of times, and who makes you calmer just by standing in the same room as you. Whether you've known them all your life or recently met them in yoga class, there's just something about this calming companion that made you realize from the very beginning you wanted them in your life.This highly evolved, kind, caring, and soothing sidekick has a contagiously peaceful presence. Their grounding influence and nurturing heart give you a spiritual boost you don't easily find with others. The two of you share an appreciation for individual expression that makes any time a perfect time to spend together. Ommm!

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