until i came back home.
great... nice home i
have there...
what?!? home?!? bah...!
anyway. this morning.
i woke up. bathed.
ate breakfast.
and then used abit of computer.
then went to xiaobao's house.
then after that both of us
go meet angela. errm.
then we stayed in bvps.
then sihan came
had fun. ahhas.
i just know i had fun with them.
errm. then after that we went
to xiaobao's house.
hahas. damn funny there luhs.
angela told jokes.
and we laughed. hahas.
i like maggi mee and bao de!
hahas. that one funniest! lols.
then in the kitchen
i forgot what thing le.
i think i test them the IQ test.
then angela scare me.
then i lean against Linsihan.
and accidentally pushed her to the floor.
then both of us fall to the ground!
ahhas! i'm silently smiling now!
lols! darmn funny luhs.
coz the atmosphere in my house now.
like people gonna kill each other le.
so cannot possibly ask me LOL.
duhh... anyway. i'll continue...
then i acted as jin gang meimei.
and Linsihan acted as jin gang jiejie.
stupid xiaobao! scream there scream here!
LOLS. don't so timid zeh xiaobao!
Han Laopo will protect u de! LOLS.
errm. then after that.
we four go seperate ways. LOLS.
me and xiaobao.
han and angela.
me and xiaobao go hyss.
han and angela go bbss.
hahas! damn! speakin of bbss!
why no vacancy u tell me?!?
Xiaohui Laopo-1e1
Angela Laopo -1e2
Xiaobao Laopo-1e3
Han Laopo -1e4
omg! such a coincidence! hahas!
we were made to be with each other!
ok. back to my point.lols.
went to hyss with xiaobao to buy books.
but they dun let us in.
coz not in uniform.
kanasai. got this type of thing de ar?
then if it's new transferred student leh?!?
btw. just now in xiaobao house so funny
"kanina" LOLS. is not bad word wor!
in tagalog. it's just now.
"kanina" = Just now in tagalog. HAHAS!
anyways. ya. so bused back to bvps.
waste my 90cents! kaos.
ok. then went to band lols.
then taught my juniors.
their backside hor! always moving around!
cannot be fixed on the floor de zeh!
qi si ren le!
oh. and i took biao ge's ezlink card.
and he didn't realise. lols.
but anyway, about 7+
he came my house to take LOLS.
with brandon =.=
and brandon didn't even say a hi. bah.
bleahs! si brandon!
ya. after band.mr goh sent me home
hahas! save my 55 cents.
or 90 cents! lols!
he idiot la he!
always play play de!
always like. need to turn ma?
then when i say turn lor.
he really turn zeh!
then almost hit the thing lols.
but he play play nia.
he wouldn't wanna damage his car.
LOLS. errm. then i was like
screaming all the way, LOLS.
sit in his car dangerous wor! LOLS.
anyway. i dun wanna talk about home.
there's band practice tomorrow =)
Here are some pictures:
Got so wei nan ma?!?LOLS.
this is funny! xD
yay! xD
by Linsihan
oh btw!
grats to prize winners ya?
hahs! =)
ty xiaobao =)
im not gonna bring money tomorrow.
oni the money to buy books.
i've got to start being thrifty.
until tuesday =)
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