Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Best Twilight Personality Quiz
Your Result: Jasper Hale

You are most like Jasper. You appear to be quiet and shy on first meeting, but once you are talking you can gain the attention of a large crowd. You are persuasive, intelligent, and logical, and always up for a challenge. Your determination and focus has helped to mold you into the sick person you are today. Jasper rockss :)

Edward Cullen
Jacob Black
Alice Cullen
Jessica Stanley
Emmett Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Bella Swan
Best Twilight Personality Quiz
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Which Positive Quality Are You?
Your Result: Faith

You are Faith. Faith is the belief in better things, in spite of the cynicism and doubt that swirls around us. Faith gives us strength; it inpsires us to move forward and follow our hearts. "Faith tells us what the senses do not."

Which Positive Quality Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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