Thursday, 16 April 2015


Yesterday I experienced a breakthrough in my spiritual life (: for the longest time, my emotions have been very disengaged with God. But yesterday, I could actually feel Him and feel Him working in and through me. 

So, during staff prayer before J333, one of the staff was praying for God to give us a heart of compassion for those who are coming in to ask for prayer of healing. Then, I felt like faith suddenly arose in me and I felt a gush of compassion falling on me. At that point, my soul was praising God and believing that healing will take place today. 

Suddenly, I felt something welling up in my stomach and I started feeling dizzy in my head. I knew that something was gonna happen. 

Throughout worship, I really focused on God wholeheartedly, just worshipping Him with songs and new songs! (I think studying ISOM does help, it's this course for interns and ministry staff) Coz we're covering lessons on Praise and Worship (:

When it was time to pray and minister, I did! I prayed for 3 people today. 1 for sin, 1 for legit healing and 1 for emotional healing. Wow... And I just hope I can do this for the rest of my life. 

Somehow, God grew a burden for me in this area of healing! He grew compassion in my heart. And after yesterday's experience at J333, it affirmed my desires to be a minister in God's kingdom! :D

1 comment:

tEETH said...