today went to cousin's house!
ate alot alot! this year very special wor!
have yam paste! wooohooo!had fun =DD
got to meet my nieces and nephews.
jiejie over there act cute infront of them.
yucks! jkjk! lolls. she ask Brendan kiss her.
brendan go kiss, don't worry.
he 3 years old nia. then i ask him kiss me!
we kiss lips to lips wor! lolls!
coz i thought jiejie kiss his lips ma!
then when i ask him kiss me, he kiss my lips!
jiejie jealous ma?!? lolls!
but i feel so guilty! it's his first kiss! xD
no la. lames. i'm his 阿姨 not count la! lolls.
then Brendan, Jun Cheng and Jamie down there,
keep on playing psp/ds lite. =.=
just now, someone mistook juncheng name as junxiang!
omg! how can?!? lolls. jk nia. hahas.
while we, qinhui,yanling,cousin,me,jiejie,dajie.
stayed together. cousin's brother aka sinka
was sleeping in his room =.= lolls.
qinhui and yanling very young la. one 4 yrs another 2 yrs.
then brendan 3 yrs. lolls.
yanling and qinhui are sisters.
yanling very hyperactive! while qinhui more gentle. lolls.
yay! had fun today luhhs. ate so much.
then after that, alot of ppl went off le.
watched constantine with cousins. and mom.
halfway only, then after that went to granduncle's house le.
erjie, qinhui and me!
sinka and me! lolls. is kaixian kor la.
me and jamie.
me and mom.
me and cousin!
this pic was taken,
when pebbles and i went to study at mac.
that stone is chiobu luhhs.
wahahaha! stupid face!
i still have lots of pics.
but all at cousin there.
will get her to send me. lolls.
so sad, brendan don't want take pics. lolls.
cooool+cute boy luhhs! lolls.
btw, we spent most of our time at cousin's room.
and we gossipped! lolls! sssshhh!!
had fun with cousins and nieces+nephews today.
going aunt's house tomorrow! ^^
and i don't know what to wear.
coz i only bought clothes for today. hahas.
xiaobao going malaysia! and i reminded her,
sososososo manymanymany times!
to buy chewing gum for me!
and help me check out the price of hooping dulcinea too!
lolls. xiaobao better remember to get me chewing gum! xD
happy new year everyone!
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