here to post =| lols...
errm. okayss... made vanessa angry today.
sorry vanessa =( i not on purpose de.
i really joking only. sorry sorry.
don't get offended pleasee.
today during IPW, slept for the first period.
droooled again! xDD
but also have settle some stuffs la.
like the props, background music. ya...
then went to the dance studio to look for the actors.
hais! okays...
after school, went wm with toooot weelee
called ah gong up, and promised to turn up for band. lols.
met him awhile only =( then left le.
left for bukit view band. i vvv good lor. i so loyal.
then ah gong go eat up all my impact sweets.
i bought chocolates for him lorrr...
then he say, i dare to give him two only. -.- lols.
blew cornet. so weird... lols i still prefer trumpet.
ahahs! my junior say i play better than jiayi! xD
of course la! i jasmin low leh! hahas!
jiayi is the band instructor wor!
but then junior say i play better than him xDDD
i feel so proud of myself! hahas.
then after band, mr chong say wana give us a lift.
but i duwan. lols! i dun wan go home sooo early. xDD
anyway jiayi going ngee ann poly ma...
so go together lorrr. from bvps, walked home. xD
1hour. coz taking our own sweet time.
then i tell jiayi, my ren yuan very good one.
i know alot of people. hahas!
just then met sihan and angela laopo! wooohooo!
and jinghui, jiale and others. hahas!
talked to them for awhile. then go home le lorrr.
tomorrow have english and geography test. SHIT!
forget bring back geog tb. siannnn. hais!
so siann. so stress. lols!
but the stress will sooon be over.
sorry. always ps you. =(
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