I seriously don't know what i've done wrong.
now it seems like it's all my fault?
it's just that simple incident
whereby i didn't turn up for the outing?
and now you're giving me the cold shoulders
when i don't even know what i;ve done wrong?
did u say we left u all alone there,
having to hear complains from THEM about US?
did u know what we've done for u?
people DO bad-mouth about you,
but we speaked up for u and tried to clear the misunderstanding they haf about u.
u say u haf other problems to think about and solve.
so u didn't want to solve the problem between us.
i understand.
so i shall leave this matter aside too.
but i can't stand the way u treat me.
this moment you smile at me, the other moment u frown at me.
u will leave me to be seriously confused.
and i hope, even if you're unhappy with me.
please do not bring it into the class.
[[jasmin is fckedup]]
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