Friday, 14 November 2014

Growing Humility, Humility Growing

I ever had a conversation with Melanie before, about people reaching the age of 24 and not being teachable anymore. 24 is just a random number la. HAHA. The point she's trying to make is, as we grow older, we'll tend to grow to be less teachable. And that is something both of us wanna guard against, because we wanna remain teachable and humble the rest of our lives. 

I know of someone who still remains teachable and humble. And this really humbles me. She was my lecturer, a mother of one and definitely a more 'experienced' Christian then me (if I have to put it that way teehee).

Being open and honest. Listening to my two cents worth. Thinking through the things that's been said. Hoping in The Lord whatever happens. And really reminding herself again and again that it's The Lord who defines her and not anyone else. 

Wow. Listening to some kid's (me) words of encouragement and affirmation. How humbling! Thank you, God! T_T

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