should be able to pass. lols.
I answered ALL the questions!
although some I anyhow write de!
lols. erm... oh ya.
then after that went to Beauty World mac
with kah min and SC.
The went home, play maple! hahas.
Then after that went to ALAMEEN eat lunch.
with Linsihan and Angela Laopos. lols. xD
so fun, forever so humorous de Angela Laopo! xD
Yesterday met alot of attitude problem de people.
It's like... come on la... although we are students.
but we are still your customers right...
you should show respect. no matter who your customers are...
you should always show respect to them.
Angela Laopo suggested the
SELL STRAW UNCLE to supply purple straws.
but that uncle attitude.
he talk sarcasm. shyt. what type of attitude he giving his customers
and he realised i was staring at him when he showed attitude.
then he like look at me and look away. lols.
then after that I went home and 2Laopos go jurong east? lols.
meet tortoiseshell lors. lols. xD
Then today had HE. i studied ok! lols.
My table is cleared. then i put S.H.E de picture on my table.
as a source of motivation ma! LOLS.
my table.
I studied ok! xD
Then today after exam accompanied kor.
he keep on bullying me! xD
I don't want to bicker with you le!
always i lose de! this shows that I am not ah lian!
Then keep on laughing.
because get bullied by KOR. hahas!
if not laugh then cry meh?!? HAHAS!
omg! I feel that Nicole is so like me...
when she gets bullied by shina.
she laughs. she don't cry! HAHAS!
COOL three year old. lols
omg. when can i go back to Philippines to visit them again!
Good luck for math pp2 tomorrow!
after that paper! it's freedom for us!
sian.this friday got band... zzz ...
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