Monday, 7 January 2008

Hi! lalala... lols.
i love my class!
and i love the teachers!
lols. okok. errm.
normal day today.
so long never see laopos liao.
hope can meet up with them soon
hahas. thx shimin for cheese tarts
and biscuits, and chewing gum!

gabriel is loved la!
mr choo also! hahahas!
just now,
because i help lihao do dnt blog.
then lihao scold mr choo.
then i say.
dun scold him until lidat la!
i will heart pain one leh! LOLS!
jk nia!
now sec sch life,
no have this type of joke,
no fun zeh.

kao. i sick le.
pebblestankokkok zilian sick.
so long never see pebbles le.
i miss her zeh! hahas.

errm. errm. okok.
there's pe tomorrow.
boooo not because i dun like pe.
but coz it's a teacher i dun really like.
why dun like?
coz i scared of her. lol!

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