After 3 days! xD i'm finally posting!
hohoho! okayss.
i know nowadays, i'm more serious and less fun.
people change alright...
it's not that i'm becoming more attitude la.
just that, when it's time to play.
then play! play as crazy as you want i don't care!
lols. but if it's time to work.
then i choose not to play luhhs.
is this considered a bad thing??? D:
okays. post about this 2 days ba.
so it;s gonna be a loooong post.
okays. friday nothing much happened.
saturday is speech day. crap la! lols!
the back row sit under the sun and perform leh!
no wonder i getting tanner and tanner la! grrr!
anyone who see me will say that to me. lols.
nvm, xi guan jiu hao. hahhas.
toooook damnnnn lotsa photos! hahahas! pro la! xDD
then in the afternoon, went to sc room.
then went to eat lunch with QAD and KYC.
i lightbulb again. lollls! =X =X
after that, went to QAD house. watch dnyby.
then i watch watch watch, halfway slept, slept until 3.30pm.
then felt veryyy colddd. dunno why.
there would be this certain time of the day,
when i would feeeel coooooold. =X
then went to QAD room cover blanket and slept. hoho!
slept till 4pm. QAD chat on phone so noisy.. lols! xD
then slack slack slack. till 5+
after that went home. and played bball with beloved cousin! xD
played until 7plus. hohoho! bball rocks! xD
then went to shower all that, go cousin house.
stayed there till 10plusss! xDD hahas! cooooooool la!

okays! talk about sunday! errm. oh! okok.
in the morning, KYC ask me if want go watch movie.
coz it's neville's birthday, then i say don't want.
then i went back to sleeeep. then QAD call me! grrr!
lols! nvm, it's late le. so i should get up le. hahas.
then talked to her on phone. she persuade me go.
but i say duwan duwan duwan.
all couple couple de! want me go damnnn extra lorrs! =.=
but in the end still went. coz QAD blackmailed me. hahas! badddie!
fangfang so sweeet lorr. lols! and she very easy to bully! hahas!
but in the end didn't go watch movie la. :) secret. lols.
fangfang is sweeeeet. lolls. errm. then actually wanna go play bball after that
but no have bball. lols! craps! slacked at the playground near QAD house.
then after that went QAD house study math.
then go out dinner with parents lerr.

about todayyy! :D HUIMIN'S birthday! :D
hahahas! read her birthday cards. damn nice. lols!
okays. errm. today went to bukit view band :)
hohoho! i combo-ed ah gong! hahas! nice lorr!
who ask him suan me! forget it lorr!
coz mdm rahayu asking me why i becoming more and more tan.
then i say i do alot of outdoor activities.
then they say orh okay lor. not bad la tan skin.
then they say i purposely go sun tanning.
kns! lols! no lorrr! i duwan tan skin! i like fair skin!
then i point out to one of my juniors. sally.
she very pretty de. lols! then her skin very nice.
fair fair with rosy cheeks. then i say i wan be like her.
then idiot mr chong say forget it ba. she heaven i earth also not!
LAWLS lor! nvm! i combo-ed him. shuanggg. xD
then i say wednesday duwan go SCH support him le.
then he so called apologise! xD i win lorr! i win lorrrr! xDD
then went with xiaobao and jieying. go fetch huili.
huili so cuteeee lorr! hahas! xiao ke ai! xiaobao! huili replace u le! xDD
and now, i'm home blogging. lols!

i like to take pictures with mr chonggg! xD
coz then i'll look small and thin! hahahas! crapssss!
[[xiaohui is deeply in love with music!]]